Monday, December 11, 2006

a few catchings up and anecdotes

(and yes... i said catchings... what?!?!)

first order of business:
"Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. "
Kurt Vonnegut

i feel this way when my mortgage comes outta my account or i get to experience the joyful (insert sarcastic tone here) side-effects of the decisions i've made "for the better."

next up:
why did a fox news cast guy repeatedly refer to barack obama as an "articulate" and "well-spoken" "young man." wtf?!?! as if he was suppose to be something else. he's a u.s. senator for pete's sake! perhaps his new hampshire visit/speech shoulda went, "o-k-k-k... i'm fit'n ta run fa prez out dis bitch!" furthermore, he's older than my daddy so "young" wouldn't be what i'd use to describe him either. now, with respect to most folks who sit on the senate, he very well may be "young." but i detected that "boy" undertone to it. call me what you want but i know what i heard. damn shame. not a shocker but still a disappointment. then again, we shouldn't be watching fox for news anyways. it's always laced with a one-sided point of view. plus, it's the network that broadcasts "the o.c."

moving on:
i have officially bumped atlanta to the top of my list of "cities to which i want to relocate." so the list is short, but it made it's way to the top. i visited this weekend and had a cool time. last time i visited i was a junior in hs. so that didn't count. this time around i got my grown woman on (as best i know how) and i was enlightened. i must get back there a few more times before i can make it official. i need to check out the famlee scene down there just to seal the deal.

(psst...DN... i got the brochures. lol)
(ms luvjunky, what you got??)

nighty night, my loves. mamma loves ya :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am happy to hear atlanta has climbed to the top of the ranking. you are welcome to visit whenever you'd like. i will show you everything i can because 1)i want you to enjoy your time here and 2)i'm selfish and want another close homie in town. :)

but fuh real, there's is sooo much to get into. especially if you find the right crowd... i'm still working on that for myself.

congrats on grad school and start thinking bout transferring to GA Tech. hehehe...