so i know... i'm slow at times... but i finally got it this morning.
i've been a democrat as long as i've had an opinion about politics and the way our country should be governed. i've voted democratic in just about every mayoral, gubernatorial, congressional, & presidential election since i was 18 (of course after extensive edification on all of the candidates). and never have i been so passionate, awe-inspired, and defensive about a candidate. i mean, down right ready to fight if anyone says anything negative about obama. and i especially go off the handle when the ignorant ass folks that i'm surrounded with everyday make unfounded negative comments. i like to tell myself that i'm not an obama fan because he's (categorically) black like me. but this morning, i realized... it sure the hell is the reason. lol. i mean, i agree with a majority of, if not, his entire platform and stance on the proverbial issues. but, dagnamit... he's a brotha! i mean, come on! THAT's why i get so worked up about this entire season. trust me, i was a clinton fan (before i could vote) and kerry was so-so. i was a gore supporter as well but i was never ready to go to blows for any of them! sheesh.
you know that anger in the pit of your stomach you get when you find out somebody's been messing with your younger sibling or somebody done said suttin' 'bout yo mama?!?! it's that kinda feeling and i finally realized, today, that it's because he feels like more than a candidate... he feels like family. he's managed to embody everything that i've been wishing politicians would say for years. he's not this over-privileged white kid that grew up to "be" in politics saying what he has to say to stay in the ol' boy's network... i REALLY believe what he says because our stories are so similar. i know i sound corny but politics have never felt so personal as they do these days... i've never felt such a close proximity to the white house as i do (vicariously) through him. it's amazing.