Wednesday, November 30, 2005


i'm home sick today :(

i was gonna try to sleep in for a few then go to work cause lord knows i can't afford to not go to work. but, get this... i called into work this morning to tell them i was sick and i'd be in later, right? why did they tell me not to come in, to think of my fellow co-workers, and remind me that no one wants to be sick for the holidays?!??! lol... duh! i don't wanna be sick today, damnit! but i can't even be mad at 'em. the last time i was sick and went to work, the dude that sits in the cube next to me got sick a few days later and insisted that it was ALL my fault. i have yet to live it down :\ it couldn't have possibly had anything to do with the fact that he hikes or that he spends hours outside all year-round doing war reenactments or that he wears sandals and no socks in november! none of those things could have contributed to his illness... it was all little old me. but, whatever... at least i get a day to relax and get my mind right for some back-to-back interviews tomorrow and friday (y'all pray for a sistah).

i'm drugged up right now so i should go lay down or suttin'.

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